Statement Describing the Challenge
Boils and carbuncles are infections that form in your hair follicles. These infections can form anywhere on your body but are most commonly found on the face, arms, and neck. These infections are formed because of a bacterium called Staphylococcus aureus. More commonly known as a staff infection, the infection can form in a single hair follicle under the skin (this is known as a boil) or in many hair follicles close together to create a larger infection (this is knows as a carbuncle). These infections look like red bumps on the skin slightly resembling a pimple. A boil or carbuncle will form over a period of days and through the formation a head will form in the middle of the bump. This head is where the pus from the infection will drain. It is important however to avoid draining the infection yourself as it could make the infection spread to other areas of your skin. If after home treatment the infection does not get better you should talk to your doctor about a treatment in which he can drain the infection without spreading it. Boils and carbuncles affect the general population but those with diabetes, those using drugs or alcohol, and those with poor personal hygiene are more likely to be exposed to the staff infection.
Non-Drug Treatments
If you go to the doctors for treatment of a boil or carbuncle the doctor can treat the boil by simply cutting into the head of the infection to drain the pus out of the sore. Through making the incision in the sore the pressure is lessened alleviating pain or at least lessening it while the infection heals.
Alternative Medicine Treatments
Another treatment that can be done at home is applying heat to the sore using a wet towel or cloth. By soaking the towel in warm salt water before applying to the infected area the boil or carbuncle will drain faster and easier. The salt in the salt water extracts the infection or pus from the sore.
Drug Therapy
If the boil or carbuncle is deep and taking longer than usual to heal your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to help in the healing of the sore and removal of the infection. Usually the use of antibiotics comes after your doctor makes an incision in the sore to drain the pus from the infection.