Video Gaming

As a whole, today’s college students have grown up playing video games. Over half of college students own a gaming system and college students spend $341 million per year on games. For students who are barely making ends meet, one would have to wonder if there were, perhaps, other ways students could play video games they would like. If an eighteen-year-old person could save $40 dollars per month (the cost of a new game), this decision could be worth over 1 million dollars at retirement. Search these resources and learn how you could save.

  1. Swaptree is a site where you can trade books, music, movies and video games that you don't want, for the books, CDs, DVDs, video games that you do want, for free. You only have to pay for postage. This is a great resource that will allow you to get rid of games you are sick of in exchange for new games to play.
  2. if you like online games, this site was included among PC Magazines Top 100 sites and contains an impressive array of games you can play and have fun with. 
  3. this site contains an impressive list of the top 13 online video gaming sites.