For this job, whenever someone went on a vacation, I would get a key to their house and directions on how to take care of the dog. I went over to the house about three times a day to feed and walk the family’s dog. I would also get their mail everyday and put it in their kitchen.
How I got the idea / found the employment:
I actually got the job because my neighbor was going on vacation and she heard that I always wanted a dog but never had one. She doesn’t particularly like putting her family dog in a kennel where the atmosphere is unfamiliar and the dog is treated with all the other dogs, so she offered to pay me the amount she would pay a kennel, to dog sit while their family was away. Along with this, she discovered she didn’t have to worry about canceling her mail temporarily and she threw in the title of house sitting. This job didn’t need any capital to start because all of the materials needed were already at the house.
Challenges I faced, and how I overcame them:
I found that I was not always able to make it to the dog’s house at the time it needed to be fed or walked. With this recognition, I had to call my family and ask if someone would walk and (or) feed the dog at the appropriate time with the incentive of a portion of my check at the end of the week.
What I learned:
I learned that this opportunity was a great payday for a minimal amount of work. If I had offered my services to other people around the neighborhood, I probably could have made a business out of it.