Technology: Computers

Our primary objective in this research is to identify information sources that will most uniquely provide individuals with the information they can utilize to substantially increase their future personal prosperity. We discussed in class that visionary planners need to engage in making a continuing series of great Million Dollar ChoicesTM

Ken Jennings: Watson, Jeopardy and me, the obsolete know-it-all

Knowledge is power. Jeopardy people are just normal people who are universally interested in the world around them. Even though computers can give you any information you want, the power of one remembered fact at the right time is powerful. Be curious, inquisitive people and thirst for knowledge in every subject.

Luis von Ahn: Massive-scale online collaboration

Re-CAPTCHA, a way to utilize our efforts in the word recognition security measures. The word recognition that humans can do helps the digitization of books. Duolingo, is a way to help translate the internet into the world's major languages for free, while users are learning a foreign language.

Daphne Koller: What we're learning from online education

Education is unaffordable for so many and even those who do get education do not get the value for their time or effort. Coursera is teaching classes through the internet and has a vast reach to those who can't afford or access it traditionally. The data that can be collected through this structure and system can help in developing ways to improve learning and education strategy. Personalization is key.

Shai Reshef: An ultra-low-cost college degree

University of the People is a non-profit degree granting university that is accredited and affordable, regardless of one's situation or society. Business administration and computer science degrees are offered while students only need a high school diploma, know sufficient english, and an internet connection. Tuition is free and it is only $ttta exam, therefore $1000 a year.

Dale Dougherty: We are makers

We all have the potential to make our own world. You are the maker of your future, your finances, and ultimately your life. America will make more makers.

David McCandless: The beauty of data visualization

Visualizing information helps us filter through information and find relevant content and beautiful solutions. You can see patterns and have different relationships with information through maps, infographics, and design. Data is the new soil.

Shimon Schocken: The self-organizing computer course

Educators can provide the atmosphere for self-study, self- empowerment and self-discovery through massive open online courses. The people who are attracted to these programs have a passion to learn. Grades take away the fun from failing.

Nicholas Negroponte: A 30-year history of the future

The development of technology and TED since the 70's. Technological predictions were made and many have become a reality. Connecting the last billion people will cost 2 billion dollars, which is what we spent every week in Afghanistan. Rural and poor are different.

Mitch Resnick: Let's teach kids to code

With Scratch software, kids can start to become fluent with new technology and express their ideas. Learning to code and create and share teaches the process and principles of design, collaboration, persistence, bugs, many other important lessons. website:

Danny Hillis: The Internet could crash. We need a Plan B

The internet is being used in a far greater scale than anticipated or even thought possible. It was founded on a system of trust that seems elusive in the cyber world today. We need to understand the vulnerability we are facing by being so heavily dependent on the internet and still strive for a network and connection to others without the internet.