Newspaper Subscription

While newspaper subscriptions have been declining in recent years, millions of Americans still enjoy receiving a copy of the newspaper each day. While many Americans already receive a good deal on their Newspaper subscriptions, others pay about $1.00/day for their Newspaper. Fortunately, there are now many resources that allow individuals to stay abreast of current events that reduce or eliminate this expense. Most news can now be found on the internet free of charge. For those who prefer a hard-copy of the paper, discount subscription sites help individuals get a great deal. For a twenty year old who decided to stop paying $1.00/day for a paper and decided to get his/her news online, this decision could be worth nearly $700,000 by retirement.

  1. is a great site that allows you to sign up for a daily email review of all of the nation’s major papers. You will likely receive better coverage of all major items in the news than you would from a single paper.
  2. is a great site that ensures you receive the finest deals available on the papers you want to subscribe to. Simply type in your zip code and see if you are paying too much for the paper you're currently subscribe to.